DHA Benefits for Body and Mind No ratings yet.

Docosahexaenoic acid, better known as DHA, is an ingredient you will very frequently see in the supplement world. It serves a variety of purposes and can feature in differing types of formulas. The DHA benefits are in some cases profound and so it is no surprise to see its spreading usage. Today, we’re going to examine this property so as to understand what it does, and why one would consider taking it.

If you follow wellness blogs or health news, you probably hear a lot about omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats have gained an awful lot of traction in recent years. This is because they deliver some powerful health advantages that can make them indispensable diet staples. As the name suggests, there are three different primary types of omega-3s. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), derives mostly from plant sources, and is abundant in nuts as well as seeds. The other two are DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and they come mostly from certain species of fish. While all of these omega-3 fatty acids have their own unique perks, today we’re honing in on the DHA benefits.

What are the DHA Benefits?

There are many. DHA plays an important role in the development of human tissues, particularly those in the nerves and eyes. For this reason, it is often used as a supplement for babies, particularly premature ones, to assist with development. DHA is naturally present in breast milk, which helps explain its efficacy in this regard.

But of course, there are many of adults who receive DHA benefits from supplements as well as diet. These can cover a wide range of areas. Like all omega-3’s, DHA has anti-inflammatory qualities. These help it provide support for immune function, joint pain reduction and lowering risk of many diseases. Because it can help reduce the thickness of blood and improve circulation, it can assist with high blood pressure while also protecting against heart issues.

But the most intriguing benefits might tie to brain function. DHA is one of the most prominent fatty acids in the human brain, so it’s no surprise those who take it show positive cognitive results. It’s an increasingly common nootropic ingredient, with research suggesting it may help improve focus while lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Some doctors suggest that DHA plays a pivotal role in brain health. It helps you grow new cells and also helps protect existing ones, acting as an antioxidant of sorts. Among all of the omega-3 varieties, this one might be the most powerful across all spectrums.

Where to Get DHA

As mentioned earlier, DHA is naturally present in the meat of many cold-water fish. Good sources include herring, mackerel, halibut, salmon, and tuna. Making these types of fish consistent fixtures in your diet is a good idea. Not only do they offer those beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, nit they are also exceptional low-fat sources of protein.

However, if you’re not a fan of seafood, the easiest place to get DHA is from fish oil supplements. You can find these in your local nutrition store as well as online.

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